Payment distribution

  • Pre-payment of meals for a minimum of two weeks is encouraged; however, monthly, quarterly, or bi-yearly pre-payments are accepted and have proven to be convenient for parents. A minimum payment of $25 per family covers all siblings, regardless of building attended

    • Starting in school year 2023-24, breakfast and lunch are free for K-12 students.
    • Payments cover extra meal components (entree, bread, vegetable, fruit, milk, treat) and A la carte, as purchased.

Meal Prices

  • Breakfast
    FREE - K-12
    $3.00 Adult

    FREE - K-12
    $5.00 Adult 
    $0.50 Extra Milk/Milk with Cold Lunch 

Account Auto-Replenish

  • Sick of low balance notifications?
    RevTrak offers auto-replenish for nutrition services accounts!

    Families can enable/disable this optional feature at any time.  Auto-replenish will automatically deposit a specified amount to an account if enabled.

Meal Charging Procedure

  • Meal account balance notification

    Families are encouraged to monitor meal account balances and make online payments in Skyward/RevTrak. If a low/negative balance occurs: 

    • Families are notified via Skylert (call/text/email)
    • Cashiers will also inform students of their lunch account balance if low
    • If an account has a negative balance, students are allowed to receive breakfast and lunch meals, but cannot charge A la carte or extra items

    District’s official meal charging procedure

    The following are the steps taken when family account balances reach:

    • -$50 or greater will receive a letter mailed home with the specific amount owed.
    • Any accounts $-100 or greater will be sent home a letter from the district with the balance owed at the end of the school year. If no response is received, the remaining balance will be turned over to a collections agency.

    For more information, please read our Meal Charging Procedure section of the Nutrition Services Handbook.

Nutrition Services Payments and Accounts

  • Methods of Payment

    1. Online via Skyward:
      • Enter Login & Password
      • Select Food Service
      • Select “Make On-Line Payment” and follow prompts
        • Payments are automatically updated to the family account.
        • Payments can be called in over the telephone to the Food Service Office in an emergency or if the internet is not available.
    2. In-person via payment drop boxes available at each school's main office  
      • Payments should be placed in the drop boxes by 10:00 am (allowing cashiers time to post funds to accounts before lunch begins)
      • Cash payments should be placed in a sealed envelope with the student(s) first and last name and PIN printed legibly on the envelope.
      • Checks must also have the student(s) first and last name and PIN printed legibly in the memo section of the check. 

    For more payment options, please access our Nutrition Services Handbook

    Tyra Schlichting
    Nutrition Services Secretary (Skyward Accounts)

Last Modified on Friday at 10:02 AM