ATTENTION SENIOR PARENTS:Registration is now open for the annual All Night Sartell Grad Party, which will take place following commencement on Saturday, May 31st. This is a tradition that ensures a safe and entertaining celebration for our seniors where they can celebrate their achievements together. Food, beverages, entertainment, and prizes will be provided for all seniors that attend...including a chance to win a car!!!Please visit our website for more information. You will be able to register your senior, learn more about the party, and find links to volunteer and/or donate.SHS Grad Party Committee
Senior Future Plans Article
Please click and fill out the attached google doc to be included in the Graduate Tab of the Newsleader to be published Friday May 16th
Important Dates
Deadline for the Newsleader's Graduation Publication
Friday, May 2Senior Awards Night
Wednesday, May 21 at 7p
SHS Performing Arts CenterFinals in blocks 1, 3 & 4
Thursday, May 22
Senior Parade, Block 2 Finals & Commencement Rehearsal
Friday, May 23
No school for seniors
Tuesday-Thursday, May 27-30
Seniors who have taken care of all academic requirements will not attend class on these school days while 9-11th graders conclude the 2023-2024 school year.
Commencement Ceremony
Saturday, May 31General Questions
Kristy Gosch
Administrative Assistant
Last Modified on Tuesday at 12:26 PM