District Announcements

  • November 22, 2024

    This message was emailed to ISD 748 staff and families. 

    ISD 748 families: Please read this message from School Board Chair Tricia Meling.

    Sartell-St. Stephen ISD 748 families,

    At our October 28th meeting, the Sartell-St. Stephen ISD 748 School Board voted to bring two facility improvement projects to voters in a special election scheduled for February 11, 2025.

    The projects will appear on the ballot as separate questions. Question 2 is dependent upon Question 1’s approval (if Question 1 does not pass, Question 2 cannot pass):

    • Question 1: Riverview Intermediate School - Indoor Air Quality/HVAC
      Proposal to issue general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $21.93 million for the betterment of school facilities including indoor air quality upgrades.
    • Question 2: Sartell High School - Physical Education/Outdoor Athletic Facilities
      Proposal to issue general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $8.485 million for betterment of school facilities including outdoor improvements to physical education spaces and athletic fields.

    If both questions are approved, the estimated tax impact on a home valued at $300,000 in the Sartell-St. Stephen School District would be approximately $109 a year; here is an example of how each question would impact taxpayers on a monthly and annual basis:

    • Question 1/Riverview: $6.54 month ($78.49 annual) 
    • Question 2/Sartell High School: $2.54 month ($30.44 annual)
    • Both Questions 1 and 2: $9.08 month ($108.93 annual)

    To learn more about the projects, please attend one of the following information sessions; more will be added to our calendars:

    • Monday, December 2 at 9:30a - Sartell Senior Connection at the Sartell Community Center
    • Tuesday, December 10 at 4:30p - Superintendent Rivard at Sartell High School
    • Thursday, December 12 at 7p - Sartell Senior Connection at Sartell Community Center

    There will be updates between now and February 11. Please visit www.isd748.org/VOTE2025 for update​s

    ​Tricia Meling
    ​Sartell-St. Stephen ISD 748 School Board

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  • September 18, 2024
    This message was emailed to ISD 748 staff and families.

    Sartell-St. Stephen Families:

    On Wednesday, September 25, our PreK-12 students will have a two hour early release from school. Buses will run two hours earlier than usual and family pick-up will occur two hours earlier.

    Students will have the following options:

    • SMS and SHS: Buses - and family pick-up - will run two hours earlier than usual.
    • ORELC, PMPS, and RIS: Childcare and Transportation Options
      The district has partnered with KIDSTOP to provide childcare at no cost for elementary students for the duration of the two-hour early release time period. Registration was required for KIDSTOP in advance; at this point, registration is closed, but may open again in a few weeks.

    For our PreK-5 students, the following options are available for students on early-release days:

    1. Be picked up two hours early
    2. Ride the bus and be dropped off two hours early
    3. Attend KIDSTOP at no charge for the two-hour early-release time period, then be picked up at the regular end-of-day time (approximately 2:30p)
    4. Attend KIDSTOP at no charge for the two-hour early-release period, then stay in KIDSTOP until picked up at a later time beyond the end of the regular school day (regular paid registration)

    Mark your calendars: September-March Early Release Days
    Our district plans to utilize a combination of scheduled professional development days and monthly early release days to ensure the required teachers (listed below) are trained by the state’s deadline of June 30, 2026. The following early release dates - all Wednesdays -  are on our 2024-2025 school calendar: September 25, 2024; October 30, 2024; November 27, 2024; December 18, 2024; January 29, 2025; February 26, 2025; and March 19, 2025. 

    READ Required Training for Teachers
    During the 2023 State Legislative Session, the Reading to Ensure Academic Development (READ) Act was passed that requires school districts in Minnesota to train their teachers (up to 140 hours) in the Science of Reading beginning after July 1, 2024. Our district selected Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) as the training program to best meet the state’s first wave of Science of Reading training requirement. LETRS was selected due to its robust, research-based content in an effort to better ensure our teachers receive the best training possible which in turn will have the greatest likelihood of positively impacting our students. The following groups of educators will receive LETRS training during the state’s first wave of training requirements: PreK-Grade 5 General Education teachers, PreK-Grade 12 Special Education teachers, PreK-12 Multilingual Learner Teachers, K-12 Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Interventionists, and PreK-Grade 5 Administrators.

    Thank you--

    Dr. Michael Rivard
    Sartell-St. Stephen ISD 748

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  • July 2, 2024

    ISD 748 families and staff,

    It is with great excitement that I greet you as the new superintendent of the Sartell-St. Stephen School District. As we prepare for a new school year of learning, growth, and community building, our dedication to excellence in education remains steadfast. 

    As a resident of Sartell for more than 20 years, I know many of you as neighbors and friends and know firsthand that the Sartell-St. Stephen School District values unity, collaboration, and a shared focus on our students’ education. I am eager to continue to meet with community members to hear your thoughts, concerns, and ideas. 

    Both of my children spent their entire K-12 education in Sartell-St. Stephen ISD 748. This personal connection deepens my commitment to our community's success. As your new superintendent, I am honored to have the opportunity to lead our school district and work collaboratively with our dedicated staff, students, families, and community members. 

    Your input is invaluable as we strive to create the best possible educational environment for our students. Please feel free to reach out to me via email or introduce yourself when you see me at school and community events.

    We deeply appreciate the strong community and family involvement that enriches our district. Thank you for being a part of our Sartell-St. Stephen School District family. 

    Thank you, 

    Dr. Michael Rivard  
    Sartell-St. Stephen School District

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  • April 24, 2024

    This email was sent to staff and families.

    ISD 748 Families:

    During the summer of 2024, Minnesota plans to introduce Summer EBT, a fresh initiative offering grocery benefits. This program will furnish families with $120 per eligible school-aged child, aiding them in purchasing groceries when school is not in session. Summer often poses challenges for families as children lose access to meals provided at school, necessitating additional support for meal provision. While most families will receive these benefits automatically, some parents may need to apply. 

    Benefits of Summer EBT

    • Helps parents and caregivers buy healthy foods for their children.
    • Gives families the flexibility to select foods that fit their culture and lifestyle.
    • Improves food security and diet quality for participating children.

    Children are eligible for the program if:

    • the household already participates in SNAP, MFIP, FDPIR, Tribal TANF, Medicaid, and/or Foster Care, OR
    • the child attends a school that offers the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Program and the household has already been approved for free or reduced-price school meals in the 2023-24 school year.

    Many families will get Summer EBT automatically if they are getting other benefits, but some families may need to apply.

    • If the household already participates in SNAP, MFIP, FDPIR, Tribal TANF, Medicaid, and/or Foster Care, they will be automatically enrolled in the Summer EBT program. Households do not need to fill out an application.
    • If the household is not automatically enrolled and may be eligible, they can get Summer EBT by filling out an application for educational benefits via Skyward or by visiting our Nutrition Services website at www.isd748.org/MealBenefits.
    • To learn more about filling out an application or to find out if you already qualify contact Sue Fibranz at 320-656-3781 or at sue.fibranz@isd748.org.

    How Summer EBT Works
    The benefits will be provided on a separate EBT card, and can be used to buy groceries. Families will receive $120 per eligible child for the summer. Benefits can be used at authorized retailers, like grocery stores and farmers markets, to purchase healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, meats and other protein sources, whole grains, and dairy. Please visit the MDE Summer EBT Website to learn more.

    Children and teens need healthy food year-round to play, grow, and learn. Summer EBT will help families stretch their grocery budget during the summer and provide their children with the nutrition they need to thrive.


    Shelby Tanner
    Director of Nutrition Services

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  • April 18, 2024

    This email was sent to staff and families.

    Sartell-St. Stephen Families:

    During the 2023 State Legislative Session, the Reading to Ensure Academic Development (READ) Act was passed that requires school districts in Minnesota to train their teachers (up to 140 hours) in the Science of Reading beginning after July 1, 2024. This training needs to be completed by July 1, 2026. In order to meet this state-mandated requirement, districts across the state are needing to alter their school calendars to allow for the appropriate amount of time for this training to occur.

    2024-2025 Calendar Changes
    On April 15, 2024, Sartell-St. Stephen’s School Board approved an altered calendar for the 2024-2025 school year to accommodate this training requirement. Over the next two years, our district’s best option will be to utilize a combination of scheduled professional development days and monthly early release days to ensure the required teachers are trained by the state’s deadline of June 30, 2026. The following early release dates - all Wednesdays -  have been added to next school year’s calendar: September 25, 2024; October 30, 2024; November 27, 2024; December 18, 2024; January 29, 2025; February 26, 2025; and March 19, 2025. The calendar is available at www.isd748.org/calendar on the lower left.

    Childcare and Transportation Options
    In an effort to lessen possible burdens on students and families, the district has partnered with KIDSTOP to provide childcare at no cost for elementary students for the duration of the two-hour early release time period. Families will need to sign up with KIDSTOP in advance in order to utilize this service. 

    If families choose to:

    • Not to utilize KIDSTOP during the early-release school time period: families will need to either pick up their student(s) two hours earlier or have their student(s) ride the bus two hours earlier. Buses will run two hours earlier than usual on these days and family pick-up will occur two hours earlier if not utilizing KIDSTOP.
    • Utilize KIDSTOP: arrangements must be made for student pick up at the end of the two-hour period (regular, end of school day time) or families can pay the regular KIDSTOP rate for an extended period of time.

    In short, the following options are available for students on early-release days:

    1. Be picked up two hours early
    2. Ride the bus two hours early
    3. Attend KIDSTOP at no charge for the two-hour early-release time period, then be picked up at the regular end-of-day time (approximately 2:30p)
    4. Attend KIDSTOP at no charge for the two-hour early-release period, then stay in KIDSTOP until picked up at a later time beyond the end of the regular school day (paid)

    Families will indicate their plan at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year.

    Training Program for Teachers
    Our district selected Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) as the training program to best meet the state’s first wave of Science of Reading training requirement. LETRS was selected due to its robust, research-based content in an effort to better ensure our teachers receive the best training possible which in turn will have the greatest likelihood of positively impacting our students. LETRS is a two-year program that requires over 140 hours of professional development training. 

    Teachers Receiving Training
    The following groups of educators will receive LETRS training during the state’s first wave of training requirements: PreK-Grade 5 General Education teachers, PreK-Grade 12 Special Education teachers, PreK-12 Multilingual Learner Teachers, K-12 MTSS Interventionists, and PreK-Grade 5 Administrators.

    Please reach out to your student’s building principal if you have any questions.

    Thank you,

    Tom Lee
    Interim Superintendent

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District Calendar

      Podcast: Sabre Speaks

      • December 20, 2024

        Referendum Focus: Question 2 - Sartell High School - Outdoor Facilities Improvements
        If Question #1 is approved, voters may also consider an additional referendum question that includes the construction of a multi-purpose athletic facility for physical education classes, track and field, football, lacrosse, and soccer.
        Superintendent Michael Rivard is joined by Principal Shayne Kusler and Activities Director Bruce Thompson. 
        To listen: please click the graphic or here for an alternate format.
        Question 2 graphic
        Additional information is available at www.isd748.org/VOTE2025.
        Comments (-1)
      • December 11, 2024

        Referendum Focus: Question 1 - Riverview Intermediate School - Indoor Air Quality/HVAC

        Riverview Intermediate School, a cornerstone of our community since it opened as our first high school in 1969, is in critical need of updates to its HVAC system.

        Listen to our latest podcast to learn more with Superintendent Rivard, Principal Zach Dingmann, Director of Buildings and Grounds Jesse Paggen, and Director of Business Services Joe Prom as they discuss the:

        • Current system dates back to the building’s original construction.
        • Proposal addresses maintenance needs, ensuring classrooms and spaces where temperatures are controlled for a productive learning environment.  
        • Total is $21.93 million to fund indoor air quality upgrades and deferred maintenance at Riverview Intermediate School. 

        To listen: please click the graphic or here for an alternate format.

        Podcast Question 1 RIS special election

        Additional information about the Special Election is available at www.isd748.org/VOTE2025.

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      • November 8, 2024

        “Your advisor, your coach, they care about you...”
        Through Activities and Athletics at Sartell Middle School and Sartell High School, students learn how to communicate, how to be a teammate, and how to balance academics and activities. Students learn from a young age that participating is more than just putting on a jersey, it’s about being a leader in a classroom or field of play...and that they are not only representing their school, but their community.

        Learn more about:

        • Signing Day - SHS students committed to play college athletics
        • 260+ kids - SMS Fall Sports/Activities participants (about 1/3 of students)
        • $10,000 raised for cancer research - Pink Out for Cancer Football game

        To listen: please click the graphic or here for an alternate format.

        Activities Athletics podcast



        Comments (-1)
      • September 13, 2024

        Sabre Speaks Podcast: Learning & Teaching - Student Support and Performance
        Learn more about our students' performance on the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA) from District Assessment Coordinator Marie Pangerl and Director of Learning & Teaching Dr. Megan Rogholt.
        We have seen marked improvements in test scores across various grade levels, reflecting the hard work of our teachers, staff, and students. Our district's academic excellence is further highlighted by Sartell-St. Stephen’s impressive rankings across schools in Minnesota:
        • 18th in reading out of 331 school districts;
        • 15th in math out of 331 school districts; and
        • 98% graduation rate (state average is 83%)

        Podcast Learning and Teaching September 13

        To listen: please click the graphic or here for an alternate format.

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      • 2023-2024 Archive

        Episode 16 - Special Education - part 2
        Benton-Stearns Special Education Director Dawn Gent and Interim Superintendent Tom Lee continue their conversation about Special Education with part 2 of our podcast. Please note: there are two file formats for each episode to help you access according to your device: original format and alternate format.


        Episode 15 - Special Education Overview
        Listen to the latest episode for part 1 of an overview of our Special Education services and our 25+ year partnership with Benton-Stearns Education District with Benton-Stearns Special Education Director Dawn Gent and Interim Superintendent Tom Lee. Please note: there are two file formats for each episode to help you access according to your device: original format and alternate format


        Episode 14 - Pollinator Project
        Learn about the student-driven Pollinator Project. Interim Superintendent Tom Lee hears from SHS student (and Sustainability Club member) Annabelle Tautges and ISD 748 Grounds Staff Member Dale Westaby. Save the Date: Pollinator Planting Opening Day on Sunday, May 19 from 3-5p at Sartell High School! 🦋 🌾🌻 On May 19, families will be able to:

        🫶 hear from students about their educational, aesthetic, & environmental project to plant pollinator-friendly, pheasant-friendly plants on 13+ acres of land around the campuses of SHS and ORELC
        🌾 plant plugs to kick off the project
        🤝 learn about their exciting partnership with Stearns County Water and Soil Conservation District, Pheasants Forever, ProFields, and St. Stephen’s Sportsman Club
        Links mentioned in the podcast: University of Minnesota - Guide to Bumble Bees and iNaturalist. Please note: there are two file formats for each episode to help you access according to your device: original format and alternate format.
        Episode 13 - Winter/Spring Activities
        Interim Superintendent Tom Lee and Activities Director Bruce Thompson discuss the successes and experiences of Winter and Spring Activities for Episode 13 and "...emphasize the importance of Activities to provide a well-rounded educational experience."
        Over 300 students are involved in Winter Activities including Boys & Girls Hockey, Boys Swimming & Diving, Nordic Ski, DECA, One Act Play, Dance, Knowledge Bowl, Speech, Robotics, and more!
        Highlights include:
        • DECA - in its first year at Sartell High School, there were 25-30 students who participated and 11 qualified for state and one student qualified for Internationals (22,000 from across the globe)!
        • Boys Hockey - won the Central Lakes Conference Championship for the third consecutive year.
        • Spring Signing Day - Wednesday, May 15

        Please note: there are two file formats for each episode to help you access according to your device: original format and alternate format.


        Sabre Speaks Podcast: READ Act
        Interim Superintendent Tom Lee and Dr. Megan Rogholt, director of learning and teaching, discuss the Minnesota Reading to Ensure Academic Development (READ) Act. Please note: there are two file formats for each episode to help you access according to your device: original format and alternate format.


        Podcast 11 - Community Education Needs our Community
        Featuring Community Education Director Jen Traver and Safety & Facilities Coordinator Alex Gion
        "....Yes, we want to enrich the lives of people that live here and make it a place we want people to stay...engaging with the Senior Connections and all the things we have to offer..."  Community members are needed to share their talents and lead classes, activities, camps, and more! Community members are also needed to learn from their neighbors through Community Education! Interim Superintendent Tom Lee speaks with Community Education Director Jen Traver and Safety & Facilities Coordinator Alex Gion and learns about opportunities for community members to lead classes/activities, reasons for programming, and the best way to say Alex's name. Please note: there are two file formats for each episode to help you access according to your device: original format and alternate format.


        Podcast 10 - Career & Technical Education (CTE) at SHS
        Featuring: SHS students and Technology Education Teacher Joe Schulte
        "...It's given me a different perspective when I'm walking into any building now 'cause I just look at it and think about the process it took to build it." Interim Superintendent Tom Lee learns about CTE opportunities and gets an update about SabreCON (the capstone course for construction) directly from SHS students and Technology Education Teacher Joe Schulte. Please note: there are two file formats for each episode to help you access according to your device: original format and alternate format.


        January 19, 2024
        Episode 9 - The Sabre Journey Starts Here! Learning Opportunities for Young Learners at Oak Ridge Early Learning Center (ORELC)
        Featuring: ORELC Principal Julia Bjerke and Early Childhood Coordinator Julie Thom
        "...when you choose to come to Oak Ridge for Preschool, you are really guaranteeing that your child has an environment that is supporting them for Kindergarten readiness." Get to know the learning opportunities for our youngest Sabres - there are more full day Preschool class offerings for the 2024-2025 school year than this year! There are parent/guardian information nights for Preschool (January 30) and Kindergarten (February 5)...and this conversation with Interim Superintendent Tom Lee, ORELC Principal Julia Bjerke, and Early Childhood Coordinator Julie Thom gives families a taste of early childhood programming at Sartell-St. Stephen ISD 748! Please note: there are two file formats for each episode to help you access according to your device: original file and alternate format.


        December 15, 2023
        Podcast 8 - Overview of Truth in Taxation meeting on Monday, December 18, 2023
        Featuring: Director of Business Services Joe Prom
        Monday, December 18 is our Truth in Taxation meeting. Learn more about what will be discussed at that meeting in this episode from Director of Business Services Joe Prom and Interim Superintendent Tom Lee! Please note: there are two file formats for each episode to help you access according to your device original file and alternate format.


        December 1, 2023
        Podcast 7 - English Language Arts
        Featuring: Teachers of 9th grade English Language Arts
        “We want kids to be readers.” Our latest episode continues our conversation about the Language Arts curriculum in the District. Teachers from our 9th grade English Language Arts department at Sartell High School talk about instruction and curriculum (research, reading, and writing) with Interim Superintendent Tom Lee. Please note: there are two file formats for each episode to help you access according to your device: original file and alternate format


        November 22, 2023
        Podcast 6 - Veterans Day Recognition Events at Sartell Middle School
        Featuring: Lori Dornburg from Sartell Middle School
        Sartell Middle School hosted their 16th annual Veterans Day recognition events earlier this month. Lori Dornburg, recently retired teacher and current substitute teacher, speaks with Interim Superintendent Tom Lee about the lunch and assemblies. Students welcome active duty and veteran military members, design cards, create posters, serve as greeters and speakers...and welcome special guests like the mayors of Sartell and St. Stephen and other elected officials. Please note: there are two file formats for each episode to help you access according to your device: original file and alternate format.


        November 17, 2023
        Podcast 5 - Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA)
        Featuring: Teachers from Oak Ridge Early Learning Center and Pine Meadow Primary School
        Scamper on over and listen to Episode 5 to continue the conversation about our new Language Arts curriculum, Amplify: Core Knowledge Language Arts. Episode 4 featured teachers from Riverview Intermediate School and our latest episode features teachers from Oak Ridge Early Learning Center and Pine Meadow Primary School! In addition to learning the essential skills of reading, the teachers share about how students are building their background knowledge in multiple content areas, therefore increasing engagement and interest in learning. Please note: there are two file formats for each episode to help you access according to your device: original audio and alternate format.


        November 3, 2023
        Podcast 4 - Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA)
        Featuring: Teachers from Riverview Intermediate School
        In this episode, Superintendent Lee met with two teachers at Riverview Intermediate School to discuss the new Language Arts curriculum, Amplify CKLA. These teachers discuss the initial positive impacts the curriculum has had on students whose teachers are implementing the curriculum this year ahead of the district-wide implementation next year. In addition to learning the essential skills of reading, the teachers share how students are building their background knowledge in multiple content areas, therefore increasing engagement and interest in learning. Please note: there are two file formats for each episode to help you access according to your device: original audio file and alternative format.

        October 13, 2023
        Podcast 3: Students with Grit
        Featuring: SHS Student Athletes Isabelle, Calvin, and Brett with Activities Director Bruce Thompson
        In the third episode, Interim Superintendent Tom Lee learns about "Students with Grit" from his guests: SHS Student Athletes Isabelle Benninghoff, Calvin Braegelmann, and Brett Schlangen along with Activities Director Bruce Thompson. To learn more about our Activities and Athletics, please visit www.isd748.org/sabres or visit their Facebook page at @GoSartellSabres. Please note: there are two file formats for each episode to help you access according to your device: Original Audio file and Alternative format.


        September 29, 2023
        Podcast 2: Indoor Air Quality Project at Riverview Intermediate School
        Featuring: Director of Buildings & Grounds Jesse Paggen and Director of Business Services Joe Prom
        Our second podcast features Interim Superintendent Tom Lee, Director of Buildings & Grounds Jesse Paggen, and Director of Business Services Joe Prom. Together, they discuss Riverview Intermediate School's Indoor Air Quality/HVAC. To learn more, please visit www.isd748.org/construction. Please note: there are two file formats for each episode to help you access according to your device: Original audio file and Alternative format


        September 14, 2023
        Podcast 1 - Learning & Teaching 
        Featuring Director of Learning & Teaching Dr. Megan Rogholt
        Interim Superintendent Thomas R. Lee is debuting a new podcast for Sartell-St. Stephen ISD 748! His first conversation is with Dr. Megan Rogholt, director of learning and teaching for the District. Please note: there are two file formats for each episode to help you access according to your device: original audio file and alternative format.

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      Last Modified on December 17, 2024