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Sartell-St. Stephen school district receives high ratings from MDE

Sartell-St. Stephen school district receives high ratings from MDE
The school district's scores from the Minnesota Department of Education's North Star rating system were higher than the state average.
St. Cloud Live - August 29, 2024


Sartell Students Better State Average In Latest State Test Scores
WJON - August 29, 2024


Superintendent Dr. Michael Rivard shared, “With the understanding that state standardized assessments are only one of the many measures of academic performance, we are proud our students have a tradition of performing above state averages on the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs) reflecting the high standards our educators maintain while ensuring that every student receives an education tailored to their needs. Additionally, the strong partnership between our schools and families plays a vital role in this achievement. These MCA results reflect our collective efforts —from teachers to families to the broader community — to ensure that our students are well-equipped to meet and exceed academic challenges.”

The chart below shows the results of the Sartell-St. Stephen School District for each category.



Sartell-St. Stephen

MN State Average

Academic Achievement

Proficiency in Math and Reading

Math: 63.9%

Reading: 62.1%

(All Students)

Math: 42.8%

Reading: 47.8%

(All Students)

Academic Progress

Points awarded for students demonstrating growth in Math and Reading (2023 compared to 2024)

Math: 2.52

Reading: 2.43

Math: 1.90

Reading: 2.23

English Language Proficiency

Points awarded for                        English Learners demonstrating growth toward meeting individual performance targets



Graduation Rate

All students and specific student groups who graduate

4 year: 98.0%

7 year: 97.0%

4 year: 83.3%

7 year: 89.0%

North Star data includes seven different racial and ethnic groups (American Indian/Native Alaskan, Asian, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Two or More Races, and White), Special Education students, English Learners and students eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch. School Districts must have a minimum of 20 students in a student group in order to receive data on that specific group.