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Nikki Perius receives the Sabre Staff Star Award for November!
Congratulations to Nikki Perius, our Sabre Staff Star for November!
Nikki is an instructional coach at Riverview Intermediate School and her nomination includes:
- Nikki has gone above and beyond as our instructional coach.
- She has familiarized herself with each grade level's curriculum, helped us analyze assessments, as well as taught lessons so we could observe other teachers teaching the curriculum. She has done the same for the other teachers this year. She also has led our building through our in-service training days with LETRS.
- Her hard work, insight, and leadership has not gone unnoticed and I appreciate her for that. I know others likely feel the same.
- Nikki can bounce back from challenges and make people feel respected and heard. She makes herself available for any question, big or small.
- I have the utmost respect for Nikki and her impact here at RIS!!!
[ISD 748 Staff Stars, selected from nominations submitted by staff members, are recognized each month at school board meetings. Thank you to Nick Phillips, SHS technology education teacher, for designing the award.]