2016 Referendum

  • Due to a new website in January 2018, original www.sartell.k12.mn.us/bond-2016 web links no longer function but have been included on this page for reference. Screenshots of original web pages are presented as well as cut-and-pasted text from those pages (some link functionality may be lost due to time). 

    On Tuesday, May 24, 2016, residents of the Sartell-St. Stephen School District had the opportunity to vote in a bond referendum. The one-question referendum requests voter approval of $105.8 million in bond funding, for the purposes of: 

    • More space —our buildings are at or above capacity
    • Enhanced safety, security and well-being for all
    • Supporting flexible learning spaces for the next generation of learners

sartell.k12.mn.us/bond-2016 Video


  • The results for the Sartell-St. Stephen bond referendum passed 2,281 Yes votes to 2,034 No votes (52.9% Yes and 47.1% No).

    “We in the Sartell-St. Stephen School District wish to sincerely thank our entire community for supporting the bond referendum to provide more space for our students and community; enhanced safety, security and well-being, and flexible learning spaces for the next generation of learners,” shared Superintendent Jeff Schwiebert. 

    “We are honored by the trust and continued support of our school district by a community that believes in strong schools focused on success for all children. We work hard to maintain your confidence in how we manage our financial resources, and to show results with your investment through providing excellence in education for all of our stakeholders. Thank you to all of the volunteers – parents, staff and community residents – who gave of their time and talents to get out the vote and build public awareness for the referendum,” stated Schwiebert. 

    Our facilities are at or above capacity.  We need more space due to continued increases in enrollment projected over the next ten years.

    • Our district facilities are full with an anticipated growth of 8% over the next ten years with our current enrollment structures for grades K-12.
    • All day every day Kindergarten was supported by the state starting in the 14-15 school year requiring additional classroom space as Kindergarten students now attend a full day vs. the half day structure of the past.  (Also, we are paying close attention to the discussions of 4-year-old funding at the state level.)
    • As our population has grown, so have our extracurricular opportunities and needs.  We need additional space for practicing and performing for the arts, athletics and extracurricular activities.
    • We have well-maintained facilities that will continue to be utilized.  By building a new facility, we allow for more space at all of our district facilities.
    • Utilization of current facilities through maintenance updates and renovation provides the best value to our community by supporting quality learning spaces.
    • With the addition of space, additional levy funds will need to be secured to support the ongoing costs associated with a new facility.  The Board will continue to thoughtfully plan while being fiscally responsible.

    Safety, security and well-being is of the utmost importance in supporting our students and community.

    • We are fortunate to live in a safe community where we all benefit from the care and concern that is shown for each other and our students.  The design of our entrances should further support the safety of our students and staff.
    • Our buildings were constructed and designed for a different time.  The district will create enhanced security features to provide safer entry areas at our facilities.
    • Dehumidification will be added to the elementary buildings because of the student health benefits that are supported through high quality indoor air. 
    • Traffic flow concerns will be further addressed at the current high school to separate routine traffic from bus traffic improving drop off and pick up areas.  The new grade configuration will ease the traffic/parking on 7th Street.

    Providing more space for all learners will better support flexible learning spaces for the next generation of learners.

    • With our facilities being full, it creates barriers to effectively and efficiently support flexible and individualized learning opportunities.  The core of the issue is more classroom space is needed to better support for all types of learning.
    • We need to provide more tools and lab spaces to create enhanced opportunities to deliver STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) programs.
    • More flexible, collaborative space and facilities are needed for our next generation of learners which allows for learning opportunities at all levels. 



  • Bond 2016 Facilities Space

    Facilities Space

      2016 Bond photo students in hallway  2016 Bond photo classroom

    Our facilities are at or above capacity.  We need more space due to continued increases in enrollment projected over the next ten years.

    • Our district facilities are full with an anticipated growth of 8% over the next ten years with our current enrollment structures for grades K-12.
    • All day every day Kindergarten was supported by the state starting in the 14-15 school year requiring additional classroom space as Kindergarten students now attend a full day vs. the half day structure of the past.  (Also, we are paying close attention to the discussions of 4-year-old funding at the state level.)
    • As our population has grown, so have our extracurricular opportunities and needs.  We need additional space for practicing and performing for the arts, athletics and extracurricular activities.
    • We have well-maintained facilities that will continue to be utilized.  By building a new facility, we allow for more space at all of our district facilities.
    • Utilization of current facilities through maintenance updates and renovation provides the best value to our community by supporting quality learning spaces.
    • With the addition of space, additional levy funds will need to be secured to support the ongoing costs associated with a new facility.  The Board will continue to thoughtfully plan while being fiscally responsible.


  • Bond 2016 Financial Information

    Financial Information

    Detailed Tax Impact Chart - developed 2/3/16

    For a more exact impact on property taxes, visit the Tax Calculator.

    These impacts are based on a 25-year bond.

    Estimated tax impact

    Minnesota Property Tax Refund and Relief Information

    The chart above indicates the projected impact over the next 25 years.  The district does have bonds that will be ending in 2017 and 2021.  The increased amount above, however, would stay constant for the next 25 years as these two bond amounts have been figured in to the amounts above.

    With the addition of space, additional levy funds will need to be secured to support the ongoing costs associated with a new facility.  The Board will continue to thoughtfully plan while being fiscally responsible.  A levy vote will need to happen prior to the 2019 opening of the new facility.  If education funding stays the same, the forecast by the district would be a levy estimated at $5-$7 a month on the average $180,000 home.


    Logo for bond


  • Bond 2016 Frequently Asked Questions

    Why is the district asking for additional funding?

    • Our facilities are at or above capacity.  We need more space due to continued increases in enrollment projected over the next ten years.
    • Safety, security and well-being is of the utmost importance in supporting our students and community.
    • Providing more space for all learners will better support flexible learning spaces for the next generation of learners.

    Why is the district proposing to build a new high school?

    This was deemed the best value and long range plan for our district and community.  We have maximized use of the current high school facility under current high school programming. There is a need for more space for four grades (9-12), with only three grades (6-8) being planned to move into the facility.  This proposal also allows for additional fields, performance areas, STEM programming, college and career readiness courses and other focused programming for students during high school.

    To add on to the current high school added additional congestion to the 7th Street campus which has a high volume of traffic.  By adding additions, we would also need to consider:

    • Losing fields, green space, trees and wetlands
    • Adding additional traffic, pedestrian and congestion concerns onto 7th street
    • The core pieces of the building (cafeteria, stairwells, hallways, locker rooms, etc.) have limitations without a major overhaul to meet the needs of growing enrollment
    • There is limited space if more growth happens beyond 2025

    The CSP Committee proposed being mindful of expansion of the new facility in the planning process for anticipated future growth.

    Current SHS facility has 1,100 students; in five years, without any growth, there is the potential of 1,300 students.

    Where will it be located?

    The Sartell-St. Stephen School District owns 80 acres adjacent to Oak Ridge Elementary.  We will be utilizing this land and securing an additional 20 acres to best support our facilities needs and maximize the dollars available to support student learning.

    What about Pinecone Road?

    The District and the City of Sartell have been working together as the District has been moving through the facilities planning process.  In the City of Sartell Master Plan, infrastructure improvements are planned to happen to Pinecone Road while considering that a new high school would be on the proposed site.  See the joint press release.

    Will you allow for Open Enrollment?

    The district will continue to follow its current enrollment practices (UNKNOWN LINK DESTINATION) which meet state statute and follow district policy.  Since the 1990’s, this policy/practice has helped the district in planning for growth, fiscal responsibility and has been supported by our district constituents.  

    How does this fit into the district’s long-term plan?

    Our district has anticipated another facility would be needed based on growth of the district. The Community Schools Planning Committee was enacted to put forth the best plan based on effective planning, anticipated enrollment and district and community values.  This is Phase One of a Three Phase Plan.  The other two phases build on to Phase One to conitune to enhance facilities, accommodate growth and support well-being of students.

    When will the vote take place?

    Tuesday, May 24, 2016, between 7:00 AM and 8:00 PM.  Learn more about voting.

    Where do I vote on May 24?

    Polling places have been combined into three polling locations and may be different than during a general election vote.  


    Precincts/Polling Location

    City of Sartell:  1, 2, 3, 4, & LeSauk Township       

    LeSauk Township Hall
    220 4th Ave. S.
    Sartell, MN

    City of Sartell: 5, 6, & 7

    Celebration Lutheran Church
    1500 Pinecone Road
    Sartell, MN

    City of St. Stephen, and St. Wendel and Brockway Townships

    St. Stephen City Hall
    2 6th Ave. SE.
    St. Stephen, MN

    Click here to type in your address and find outyour polling place for the May 24 election.

    Click here for a Sartell Precinct Map.

    Why will the vote take place on May 24?

    By holding a May 24 vote, the district would be able to open a high school in the fall of 2019.  If the district waited until November, it could push that opening date back at least six months.

    What are school bonds?

    District voters can vote to authorize the district to borrow money through selling bonds for building projects and repairs which would be paid back using revenue from taxpayers.  The proposed bonding for the 2016 referendum would be a 25 year bond for adding additional space for all learners across our district, enhancing safety and security in our facilities, and supporting flexible learning spaces for the next generation of learners. 

    Doesn't the district have some bonds that will be paid off soon?

    The district does have bonds that will be ending in 2017 and 2021.  The increased amount on the linked chart, however, would stay constant for the next 25 years as the 2017 and 2021 bonds have been figured in to overall tax impact.

    How would the district use the bonding funds?

    The proposed bonding dollars would be used to create space for next generation learners, further enhance the safety, security and well-being of our students.  The projects are listed in the chart below.  A detailed project list is also available at the district office or online.

    Facility/Project                                 Budget Allocation

    Pine Meadow Elementary                      $1,700,000

    Oak Ridge Elementary                          $650,000

    Existing Middle School                          $2,550,000

    Existing High School to Grade 6-8 MS    $10,550,000

    New High School                                  $89,500,000

    Borrowing Costs                                   $850,000

    Total                                                    $105,800,00

    How will you fund for the operations of a new building?

    With the addition of space, additional levy funds will need to be secured to support the ongoing costs associated with a new facility.  The Board will continue to thoughtfully plan while being fiscally responsible.  A levy vote will need to happen prior to the 2019 opening of the new facility.  If education funding stays the same, the forecast by the district would be a levy estimated at $5-$7 a month on the average $180,000 home.

    In the district plan, it redefines grade configurations to PreK-2 (ORE and PME buildings), 3-5 (current SMS building), 6-8 (current SHS building) and 9-12 at the new school.  Why did the district choose this?

    When the Community Schools Planning Committee looked at enrollment growth alongside facility capacity and a likely possibility of more funding from the state for early childhood/four-year-old programming, they wanted to ensure there would be enough space to accommodate the needs of students without overcrowding at any one facility.  This also helps with opportunities, curriculum and programming for more targeted grade levels.

    What is the difference between an operating levy and a bond referendum?

    Bond referendums are for capital expenses including building and repairs.  In general terms, bonds are for buildings.

    What would happen if the bond referendum is not authorized?

    With our facilities already being at or above capacity to maximize student learning, the district would need to determine the best plan of action to support student learning within the constraints of the budget or increase class sizes to have even more students in a classroom.

    How will the new authorization affect my property taxes?

    If the bond is approved, a household with an estimated market value of $180,000 (the average for the district) would see a monthly increase over the 2015 district tax of about $22.30, or a yearly increase of $267.54. for bonding.  Tax impact charts for other home values can be found on the district’s website or at the district office.

    Have more questions?  Email us at Bond2016@sartell.k12.mn.us  We would love to hear from you and answer your questions.


  • Bond 2016 Next Generation Learning Spaces

    Next Generation Learning Spaces

    Bond 2016 hallway photo   Bond 2016 students  Bond 2016 classroom

    Providing more space for all learners will better support flexible learning spaces for the next generation of learners.

    • With our facilities being full, it creates barriers to effectively and efficiently support flexible and individualized learning opportunities.  The core of the issue is more classroom space is needed to better support all types of learning.
    • We need to provide more tools and lab spaces to create enhanced opportunities to deliver STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) programs.
    • More flexible, collaborative spaces and facilities are needed for our next generation of learners which allows for learning opportunities at all levels.



  • Bond 2016 Safety, Security & Well-Being

    Safety, Security & Well-Being

    2016 Bond kids  2016 Bond entrance  2016 Bond parking

    Safety, security and well-being is of the utmost importance in supporting our students and community.

    • We are fortunate to live in a safe community where we all benefit from the care and concern that is shown for each other and our students.  The design of our entrances should further support the safety of our students and staff.
    • Our buildings were constructed and designed for a different time.  The district will create enhanced security features to provide safer entry areas at our facilities.
    • Dehumidification will be added to the elementary buildings because of the student health benefits that are supported through high quality indoor air.
    • Traffic flow concerns will be further addressed at the current high school to separate routine traffic from bus traffic improving drop off and pick up areas.  The new grade configuration will ease the traffic/parking on 7th Street.


    2016 bond logo


  • Bond 2016 Voter Information

    The vote will take place on Tuesday, May 24 between 7:00 AM and 8:00 PM. Please email your questions to Bond2016@sartell.k12.mn.us and we will be sure to respond.

    Not sure of your precinct number?

    Click here to find out where you vote!

    Where to Vote

    Precincts/Polling Location

    City of Sartell:  1, 2, 3, 4, & LeSauk Township       

    LeSauk Township Hall
    220 4th Ave. S.
    Sartell, MN

    City of Sartell: 5, 6, & 7

    Celebration Lutheran Church
    1500 Pinecone Road
    Sartell, MN

    City of St. Stephen, and St. Wendel and Brockway Townships

    St. Stephen City Hall
    2 6th Ave. SE.
    St. Stephen, MN

    View Precinct Map

    How to Vote

    To be eligible to vote, you must be:
    • A U.S. citizen
    • At least 18 years old on Election Day
    • A Minnesota resident for at least 20 days before Election Day
    • Have any felony conviction record discharged, expired or completed
    • Not be under court-ordered guardianship where a court has revoked your voting rights
    • Not have been ruled legally incompetent by a court of law 
    • Properly registered

    Voter Registration Information:

    Registration on Election Day

    Absentee Voting Information:

    Sartell-St. Stephen School District residents can vote absentee in the following ways:   

    • From Home/By MailDownload an application and submit it to the contact information on the form.  You will receive your ballot by mail. When filling out your ballot to mail in, in Section 1, please check the Special Election box followed by 05/24/2016.
    • In Person—Between April 8 and May 23 between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, go in person to the District Service Center, 212 3rd Ave. N., Sartell, (please enter through Door 10 on the north side of the building) to fill out and submit an application.  You will receive a ballot and can cast your vote at that time.

            View all Absentee Information here.


    Sample Ballot


    2016 bond logo


  • Bond Referendum Vote Held on May 24

    On Tuesday, May 24, 2016, from 7:00 AM-8:00 PM, residents of the Sartell-St. Stephen School District will have the opportunity to vote in a bond referendum election.  The one-question referendum is requesting $105.8 million in bond funding for more space, enhanced safety and security and to support flexible learning spaces for the next generation of learners.    

    For a wealth of information about the referendum, visit our Bond 2016 webpage.

SARTELL.K12.MN.US/BOND-2016 Top of page

Top of 2016 Bond webpage

SARTELL.K12.MN.US/BOND-2016 Bottom of page

Bottom of 2016 webpage


2016 Bond District Facilities plan


2016 Bond Facilities space

sartell.k12.mn.us/bond-2016-financial-information top of page

2016 bond financial info top of page

sartell.k12.mn.us/bond-2016-financial-information bottom of page

2016 Bond financial info bottom of page


2016 bond FAQ 1 of 6


2016 bond faq 2 of 6.


Bond 2016 FAQ 3 of 6


Bond 2016 fqa 4 of 6


2016 Bond faq 5 of 6.


Bond 2016 faq 6 of 6.


2016 Bond Next Generation Learning Spaces


Top of 2016 bond publications webpage


Bottom of 2016 bond publications webpage


2016 Bond Safety Security and well being


Top of voter info page 2016.


Middle of 2016 voter info page.


Bottom of 2016 voter info page.


2016 Bond School Board May 24 blurb
Last Modified on July 23, 2018