Mobile App Intro

Mobile app

  • Our District's mobile app, Sartell-St. Stephen Schools, is available in your app store.

    Community members may subscribe to calendar feeds, select News to follow, and more.

    Parents/Guardians may do the same in addition to accessing the password-protected Student Info portal.

    • The STUDENT INFO icon may be on the second page of your mobile device in the app (depending on your device). 
    • Parents/guardians who typically have Skyward access will receive their credentials to log in.

    Helpful tips

    • the "gear shift" in the upper right corner is where you can follow a school/calendar feed/etc.
    • the "Home" in the upper left corner returns you to the main home screen
    • we are updating the app, so be sure to check back for Spring & Fall Athletics, Activities, and more

    Watch this short video to learn more and use this handout for helpful tips.