District Assessments
In addition to participating in all Minnesota required testing, the school district utilizes locally-developed assessments as well as other standardized measures. This information provides data to support programmatic and curriculum decisions based on the individual child’s need.
Unless otherwise noted, ISD 748 administers the following assessments each year (listed by age/grade):
Teaching Strategies Gold
Students 3 years to Kindergarten-ready- Students 3 years to Kindergarten-ready
- measures the social and academic (math and language arts) growth of children participating in District early childhood classes.
- aligns directly with district-approved curriculum and national and state standards providing authentic, ongoing assessment
- provides a comprehensive portfolio of student growth
Formative Assessment for System Teachers (FAST)
Kindergarten to Grade 12 (All students K-8, select students 9-12).- Kindergarten to Grade 12 (All students K-8, select students 9-12)
- universally screening (Fall, Winter, and Spring) using earlyReading, earlyMath, aReading, aMath, CBMReading, SAEBRS, and mySAEBRS
- aids in identifying the level of achievement students are demonstrating with grade-level benchmarks
- provides data to support students who may require supplemental and/or intensive intervention and instruction
- monitors reading and mathematics progress
- Parents/guardians: please read details about the SAEBRS and mySAEBRS screener
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
Grades 3-8 select students, administered occasionally- largest continuing and nationally-representative assessment of what students know and can do in various subjects
- congressionally-mandated project
- provides group-level data on student achievement in various subjects (math, reading, science, and writing)
- other subjects such as art, civics, economics, geography, technology and U.S. History are assessed periodically
Pre-American College Test (Pre-ACT)
Grade 10 optional- provides an early experience with ACT test items
- provides a predicted ACT test score
- offers a wealth of information to help students prepare for their post-secondary education
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
Grades 10-12 optional- measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military
- administered annually to more than one million military applicants, high school, and post-secondary students
Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT)
Grade 11 optional- provides first-hand practice for the SAT and gain access to college and career planning tools
- measures critical reading skills, math problem-solving, and writing skills
American College Test (ACT)
Grade 11 optional- consists of subject area tests in English, math, reading, and science
- optional writing component
- provides personalized information about student strengths for education and career planning.
- offered at the high school during a school day
Marie Pangerl
District Assessment Coordinator