Mark your Calendars!
SMS Spring Sport Parent/Athlete Meeting
Monday, March 17th @ 5:30-6:30pm in the SMS PAC
R Schools Activity Registration is up and running again. Please Register using the R School Activity Registrationsystem for all sport and activity registrations.
The best way to prep your athletes sport season is to TURN IN A SPORTS CLEARANCE PHYSICAL FORM for your athletes in the past 3 years.
SPORTS PHYSICALS CAN BE SENT VIA EMAIL TO jen.traver@isd748.org or FAXED to SMS 320-656-3711 and will be uploaded into Skyward.
Please Register using the rSchool's system for all sport and activity registrations.
SMS Strength and Conditioning FREE to 6-8 Graders
Please fill this out the google link below to register your athlete for SMS Strength and Conditioning.
Fall Session: September 9–October 30Winter Session November 11-March 12Spring Session April 14-May 21Grades 6-8 Boys and Girls6:45-7:45am Mondays and Wednesdays (no school = no strength and conditioning)Drop off at SMS Main DoorsMeet outside the SMS Weight RoomMake sure your athlete signs up for the SMS Strength and Conditioning Schoology Page for updates and announcementsQUESTIONS: Contact paul.plombon@isd748.orgREGISTRATION LINK FOR 6-8 Strength and Conditioning: https://forms.gle/h7d4cyb1D5hSQjk28
Sartell Middle School Fall Activity Registration is NOW OPEN
Prior to using R Schoool for Registration PLEASE turn in your athletes' physical to SMS Activities office this will make registration much easier.
SPORTS PHYSICALS CAN BE SENT VIA EMAIL TO jen.traver@isd748.org or FAXED to SMS 320-656-3711 and will be uploaded into Skyward.
DO NOT MAKE MULTIPLE R SCHOOL ACCOUNTS. IF YOU GET STUCK ON THE PHYSCIAL DATE PORTION EMAIL jen.traver@isd748.org and make sure you have a physical turned in.
Please Register using the rSchool's system for all sport and activity registrations.
If you need assistance, please visit the rSchool's registration guide.
- Athletes needing to apply for free/reduced benefits should do so before they register for a sport or activity.
- Please visit this link for free/reduced application instructions.
- Contract Sue Fibranz in our Nutrition Services Office if you have questions or need assistance completing the form.
SMS Fall Parent Athlete Info Slide Show
For parents and athletes that could not make the meeting, please review the information in the slide show linked above. The second to last slide has sport-specific information and contacts.
For the 2024-2025 school year we will be switching to the rSchool's system for all sport and activity registrations.
The rSchool's team is working to get us up and running as soon as possible.
We anticipate the registration portal will be ready shortly.
Additional details will be coming soon.- Athletes needing to apply for free/reduced benefits should do so before they register for a sport or activity.
- Please visit this link for free/reduced application instructions.
- Contract Sue Fibranz in our Nutrition Services Office if you have questions or need assistance completing the form.
SMS Fall Musical 7th and 8th Grade Information
Come join the fun! This year's 7th and 8th grade fall musical will be Shrek Jr. If you are interested in joining one of the many crews off-stage, or you want to be part of the cast on stage, you can sign up or get more information from the Schoology Course “Shrek Jr.” The course code is RPHR-RX8H-8CK89. We need actors, singers, dancers, painters, builders, stage managers, light and sound operators and more. There is something for everyone!
Registration for SMS Fall Musical (Grades 7-8) will be done through RSchools. You will be getting a school wide email regarding that system and how to sign up and pay activty fee by the end of July/Early August.
Auditions will be September 16th and 17th and Performances are November 21, 22, and 23.
Sign up for an audition, or a crew on schoology. More information will be available at open house and Mr. Cicharz will be there to answer any questions you might have. Hope to see you there!
Sports and Activities at SMS
SMS Fall Sports
- Grades 6-8: Cross Country; Girls Tennis; and Girls Swim & Dive
- Grades 7-8: Football; Volleyball; Boys Soccer; and Girls Soccer
SMS Winter Sports
- Grades 6-8: Wrestling and Boys Swim & Dive
- Grades 7-8: Boys Basketball and Girls Basketball
SMS Spring Sports
- Grades 6-8: Boys Tennis
- Grades 7-8: Track and Field, Baseball, Softball, and Boys and Girls Golf
SMS Activities
- Grade 6: 6th Grade Play (Spring 2025)
- Grades 6-8: SMS Knowledge Bowl, SMS Student Council, and SMS Speech
- Grades 7-8: SMS Robotics and 7th-8th Grade Musical (Fall 2024)
Coaches Corner
SMS Activities & Sports News
SMS Fall Sports Meeting for Parents and Athletes
Monday, August 19 at 6p in Sartell Middle School's Performing Arts Center (PAC)
This is an important meeting that will include meeting coaches and sport-specific information. Please plan on attending if student is participating in a fall sport. NOTE: Activities will receive more information after school begins.Grades 6-12 Cross Country - season practices will start with SHS on Aug 12. The Athlete and Parent/Guardian meeting for Grades 6-12 Cross Country is on Tuesday, August 6 at 7p at Sartell High School. You will register with SMS Activities once the registration is up and running. Contact Greg Henning for more details.
August 2024: Letter to Families
Please read this letter to families for details about preparation for Fall 2024 including:
- Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) Sports Clearance Physical form
- Summer Registration for Fall Activities in 2024
- Sport Schedules: Central Lakes Conference website
Also, important calendar items including:
- August 19 at 6p: SMS Sports Meeting for Athletes & Parent/Guardians
- August 26: Fall Sports first day of practice
- September 16-November 21: Morning Strength and Conditioning: available to SMS students for no charge
- After School SMS Theater: new options!
July 31, 2024
We are working on our new registration system and appreciate your patience. We are still making sure the system is ready to fully function for families. Sartell High School registration will be open, but SMS registration will not be open yet.As a reminder, the 2024-2025 school year we will be switching to the rSchool's system for all sport and activity registrations.
Additional details will be coming soon.- Athletes needing to apply for free/reduced benefits should do so before they register for a sport or activity.
- Please visit this link for free/reduced application instructions.
- Contract Sue Fibranz in our Nutrition Services Office if you have questions or need assistance completing the form.
Grades 7-8: SMS Fall Musical - Shrek, Jr.
Auditions: September 16 and 17
Performances: November 21, 22, and 23We need actors, singers, dancers, painters, builders, stage managers, light and sound operators and more. There is something for everyone!
Students in grades 7 & 8 who interested in joining one of the many crews off-stage, or want to be part of the cast on stage, you can sign up or get more information from the Schoology Course “Shrek Jr.” The course code is RPHR-RX8H-8CK89.
Registration for SMS Fall Musical (Grades 7-8) will be done through RSchools. You will be getting a schoolwide email regarding that system and how to sign up and pay the activity fee before school starts.
Sign up for an audition or a crew on Schoology. More information will be available at open house and Mr. Cicharz will be there to answer any questions you might have. Hope to see you there!
Save the dates
August 19 at 6p
SMS Sports Meeting for Athletes & Parent/Guardians
This is a required meeting for Fall Sports; each sport will meet their coaches and receive specific information regarding the season in the SMS PAC. Activities will receive information once school starts.August 26
Fall Sports first day of practice
More information will be shared at the August 19th sports meeting. Fall Activities will start after the school year begins in September. Grades 6-12 Cross Country begins practice August 12, 2024 Please email Greg Henning for more information regarding Cross Country.Mid- September -November 21
Morning Strength and Conditioning: available to SMS students for no charge
A sports physical MUST be on file and a student must register. Please make sure your athlete signs up for the SMS Strength and Conditioning Schoology page for announcements and information. We are working on staffing and will have more information by the start of school.
SMS Winter Sports Photos
Wednesday, January 15th
SMS Fall Sports
- Grades 6-8: Cross Country(practices/participates with SHS)
- Grades 6-8 Girls Tennis and Girls Swim & Dive
- Grades 7-8: Football; Volleyball; Boys Soccer; and Girls Soccer
SMS Winter Sports
- Grades 6-8: Girls and Boys Wrestling and Boys Swim & Dive
- Grades 6-12 Nordic Skiing (Practices and Participates with SHS)
- Grades 7-8: Boys Basketball (Starts in Jan) and Girls Basketball (Starts in late Oct)
SMS Spring Sports
- Grades 6-8: Boys Tennis
- Grades 7-8: Track and Field, Baseball, Softball, and Boys and Girls Golf
SMS Activities
- Grade 6: 6th Grade Play (Spring 2025) Try outs December 2024/Practice Begins Jan 2025
- Grades 6-8: SMS Knowledge Bowl (contact ryan.plaza@isd748.org), SMS Student Council (contact wendi.clark@isd748.org), and SMS Speech (contact dylan.ericksonthoemke@isd748.org)
- Grades 7-8: SMS Robotics (Starts in Winter 2025) and 7th-8th Grade Musical (Fall 2024)